Maltan Meeting Notes

Client Meeting 11/20/2015

Date: November 20, 2015
Location: Computer Science Library
Attendees: Thomas Langton, Lucas Silva, Andi Elwell, Nick Varlese, Dan DiTursi

Sprint 2 User Stories to Complete:
		Forgot Password:
			As a User
			I want to be able to recover my password if I forget it
			So that I can log in 
		Profile Page:
			As a User
			I want to be able to recover my password if I forget it
			so that I can log in
		Information Credentials:
			As an Admin
			I want to add people to the database with unique and correct information
			so that I can make sure I can create the correct user.
			As a User
			I want to be able to see the tutoring schedule
			so that I can choose a time to tutor, see what times are available, or pick a time slot to be a tutor.
		Internal Story:
			As a developer 
			I want to be able to view clean code
			so that I can program efficiently

Password Criteria: Must be at least 8 characters containing at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, and number. 
Calendar Look: Dan would like the calendar to have the feel of a Google calendar. When you add a tutors time it should ask for what semester and then only schedule that tutor for the chosen semester. This way the Admin wont have to remove all the tutors at the end of each semester. 
Forgot Login:Have the password emailed to the user.


Client Meeting 11/13/2015

Date: November 13, 2015
Location: Computer Science Library
Attendees: Thomas Langton, Lucas Silva, Andi Elwell, Nick Varlese, Dan DiTursi

Purpose:  The reason for this meeting was to show Dan the final product after sprint 1. We ran through the entire sprint 1 review presentation and showed Dan the progress that we have made. He had a few comments, but was overall pleased with the result of the sprint 1 product. 
Next Meeting: Friday Nov 20th. The purpose of this next meeting is to go over what we will be accomplishing in sprint 2.


Client Meeting 10/09/2015

Date: October 9, 2015
Location: Computer Science Library
Attendees: Thomas Langton, Lucas Silva, Andi Elwell, Nick Varlese, Dan DiTursi

Purpose:  The reason for this meeting was to show Dan the login in page design. He wanted to make sure that the admin logged on to the page they were last on and wanted the top navigation feild to look more like blackboard.
Changes: These changes were easily made during this sprint, so nothing was added to the backlog. 


Client Meeting 09/28/2015

Date:September 28, 2015
Location: Computer Science Library
Attendees: Thomas Langton, Lucas Silva, Andi Elwell, Nick Varlese, Dan DiTursi

Purpose:  The reason for this meeting was to finalize our user stories for sprint 1.
User Stories: 
		Admin Login:
			As an admin
			I want to be able to login 
			so that I can use the site
		Admin Main Page:
			As an admin,
			I want to be able to see what i have added
			so that I can process this information
		Admin Create Other Admin:
			As an admin 
			I want to be able to create more admins
			so that others can login as admins
		Admin Add Tutor:
			As admin 
			want to be able to add tutors
			so that admins can see a list of tutors

Initial Client Meeting 09/25/2015

Date: September 25, 2015
Location: Computer Science Library
Attendees: Thomas Langton, Lucas Silva, Andi Elwell, Nick Varlese, Dan DiTursi

Project Description: This project is to create a system that will organize the tutoring for the CS department. The idea is to have 3 types of users for this system:
Tutors: Register the tutors on the system along with their qualifications (classes taken and done well in) and schedule. Tutors should have the ability to update themselves. Further, Tutors will be able to see who signed up for tutoring during their shift, and work in order from when students signed up. 
Students: Students can log into the system and sign up for a tutoring spot. Discussed the possibility of the student putting down what it is they are looking to get help with, so that the tutor can look and see if multiple students need the same help. He can bring them all together and teach them at the same time. 
Admin: Can look and change most things on the system. Also, produce information for admin that shows number of hours logged, the number of students that came for help, and potentially the grades of the students that went to tutoring. 

We know that this needs to be easy for the user (especially the tutor and admin) to update and make changes. 

Why is the project important? 
    It is important because it will be used to see how effectively the tutors are being used. For example: are there enough tutors? Is there enough time tutors are tutoring? are students doing well in class after going to tutoring?

Our metrics of success: 
Does the system work?
Is the system user friendly?
Is the system efficient? (ie how long does it take)
* Do people use it? why or why not? *

    We want to make sure the system is secure. If we are implementing something with students grades it is important that only that student and admin have the ability to see those grades. Also, we need to make sure that each users can change only things that are important to them. For example a student shouldn’t be able to change a tutor's schedule. 

Key roles:
    Our resource are going to come from students that are already using the tutoring system as well as current tutors. We will have to do some data collection and sit on different tutoring session so that we can fully understand what will be beneficial for them.