Agile Software Development

Agile Method
The agile model focuses on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product
Every iteration involves cross functional teams working simultaneously on planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing
Design: This is the phase in which a team will begin to design the programs needed to complete the user stories that are to be finished during that specific sprint. With Agile methodology, the design phase will be returned to many times during the Sprint after testing and development continues to improve.
Test: Testing is the phase in which the developers test what they currently have done for the sprint to see where to go from their current position. Again, with the Agile methodology, testing will be continuously done throughout the sprint to ensure that the program being created works smoothly throughout the sprint, not just at the end as in the Waterfall methodology.
Develop: The development phase is done after testing and is done to critique and improve what has been tested thus far in the sprint. Like the other phases, development will also continually be referred back to and improved upon as the sprint continues.
Integrate: After unit testing is done, the integration phase of the Agile methodology to have the program improved upon and added to. As the sprint continues on, there will be more integration along with all of the other phases in the Agile lifecycle.

Current Project

Current Status: Sprint 2

Sprint 2 (11/17-12/11): In Progress

User Stories

				Forgot Password:
					As a User
					I want to be able to recover my password if I forget it
					So that I can log in 
				Profile Page:
					As a User
					I want to look at my Profile page
					so that I can see all of my information in the system.
				Information Credentials:
					As an Admin
					I want to add people to the database with unique and correct information
					so that I can make sure I can create the correct user.
					As a User
					I want to be able to see the tutoring schedule
					so that I can choose a time to tutor, see what times are available, or pick a time slot to be a tutor.
				Internal Story:
					As a developer 
					I want to be able to view clean code
					so that I can program efficiently

Sprint 1 (10/15-11/20): Completed

Burndown Chart

User Stories

				Admin Login:
					As an admin
					I want to be able to login 
					so that I can use the site
				Admin Main Page:
					As an admin,
					I want to be able to see what i have added
					so that I can process this information
				Admin Create Other Admin:
					As an admin 
					I want to be able to create more admins
					so that others can login as admins
				Admin Add Tutor:
					As admin 
					want to be able to add tutors
					so that admins can see a list of tutors