MAJIK Resource Management                                                                       

Team Meeting #1                                                                     September 13, 2006   5:30pm






1. Establish weekly meeting time and client meeting for this week.


            Weekly meetings:          Tuesdays 5:00-6:00pm


            1st Client meeting:         Friday 9/15/06 1:00pm

                        Attending:         Amanda Danko

                                                Kevin Johnson

                                                Kelly Morgan


2. Assign office/position titles.


            Team Leader – Kelly Morgan

            Webmaster – Mark Riley

            Systems Administrator – Kevin Johnson

            Information Manager – Amanda Danko

            Project Engineer – Ian Kost


3. Come up with team name.


            MAJIK Resource Management


4. Discuss documents due Monday 9/18/2006.


            Section                         Assigned to

            1.1 – 1.7                      Kevin Johnson

            1.8 - 2.1                       Amanda Danko

            2.2 – 2.11                    Mark Riley

            Glossary                       Amanda Danko

            Gantt Chart                  Ian Kost


5. Discuss project, etc.


            Design and develop an information system that will facilitate the storage and retrieval of all hardware, software, and data-communications devices in the School of Science.