MAJIK Software Solutions                                                                  

Client Meeting #2                                                         September 26, 2006   4:00-4:50pm





Discuss use cases with our client for clarification in order to write the use case narratives.



            Administrator – read & write user with all privileges.

                                    - need to be able to change/delete the device information.

            Limited – user with only view privileges.


Use Cases

-          Faculty member having trouble with a printing in Morrell logs into the program and views the layout of their floor to find the name and information of the printer in the hallway.

-          System Administrator receives a call from a faculty member with a computer problem and searches on their last name to find the location of their office.


Required Content

-          Network devices such as: printers, workstations, wireless access points, and the standalone wireless laptop cart.

-          Information such as: make, model, serial, IP, MAC address, and its asset tag (the ID Siena uses for each computer).


Visual Specifications

-         First display is menu (indicate admin-only permissions here).

-         Web-based, must be password protected so if you do not login as an admin or user, you may only view the first menu page.

-         After logging in, the interface is a floor diagram that zooms in to see the rooms.

-         Ability to zoom in and still navigate to see rooms down the hallway.

-         Different icons for networked devices, click on the icon to list its information.



            -  Naming convention for Siena computers: BuildingRoom#PC#.