MAJIK Resource Management                                                                       

Client Meeting #1                                                                     September 15, 2006   1:00pm





Preliminary understanding of the client’s problem and the project assigned to our team.


Client description

-         Interested in a web-based network mapping tool.

-         Should integrate the floor plans of Roger Bacon and Morrell Science Center.

-         Interface similar to map on Siena’s CS department website.

-         As dynamic as possible, extensible/adaptable for later changes.

-         Add in a search function to look up faculty members computers or find machines via mac address.



-         Our clients need to be able to view information about computers in Roger Bacon and Morrell without physically looking for them.

-         Inventory purposes – our clients need a visual listing of computers and wall boxes (with their locations) which can be modified later.



Available resources

-         Information in the form of several spread sheets listing computers in each building, their port, and other pertinent information.

-         Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Oraserve.