MAJIK Software Solutions                                                                  

Client Meeting #8                                                         November 16, 2006   3:00-4:00pm




- Search Function

            - A link will be included on each page to a separate search page.

            - Search parameters should include most fields on the form:


            - The results will display in a summary line with links to the details in the page.



- Control Panel

            - Features will include:

                        Users –select user from a dropdown menu to delete.

                                    - type new username into input box to add users.


                                    - select a user from a dropdown menu,

                                       do a mini search on the device, then change the permissions.

                        Room Notes – comments

                        Devices – add/delete wallboxes

                                    - via coordinates to indicate where in the room they are located.



*NetReg – the system that is currently used to register existing devices on the networks in the science buildings.