MAJIK Software Solutions                                                                  

Client Meeting #5                                                         October 31, 2006   3:00-4:00pm




-         Discuss Prototypes and any questions from presentation.

Ø      Clients were asked to look at prototypes and have questions (if any) prepared for next week.


-         Discuss database issues (what will be provided and what we need to create).

Ø      Database will be an Oracle database

Ø      Database will be provided to us via NetReg*

Ø      We will create an additional database for users and room information

Ø      Client will add some new fields to the NetReg* database to centralize the information, i.e. make, model, OS…

Ø      Client provided the SQL table definitions for NetReg* database

Ø      Mr. Crossman gave a quick look at what the NetReg* system looks like.  Information about devices included:

§         Hostname

§         Hardware Address

§         Model

§         IP

§         Subnet (department)



Next week

-         Discuss what tables we will be dealing with in the NetReg system.




*NetReg – the system that is currently used to register existing devices on the networks in the science buildings.