MAJIK Software Solutions                                                                  

Client Meeting #3                                                         October 3, 2006   4:00-5:00pm




Discuss visual components and requirements for a prototype.


Welcome Page

-         first page viewed is a welcome page with a description of what the program does, our team logo, and a login.

-         Login includes the username and password, and there will be just one login for both users and administrators to use.

-         The username will be a dropdown menu to choose either ‘user’ or ‘admin’.

-         Multiple limited users, but no “guest” users- no one can see any part of the app without logging in.

-         No client contact info on this page.


Admin View

-         Simultaneous logins of admin account possible, with full privileges and a password assigned by our clients (which they can change in the future).

-         Once logged in, the next page contains a menu to choose what to do:

                        Roger Bacon

                                    first floor

                                    second floor

                                    third floor

                                    fourth floor

                        Morrell Science Center

                                    first floor

                                    second floor

                                    third floor

                                    fourth floor

-         Click on the floor and its floor diagram appears, then able to click on the room to zoom in. 

-         Icons in each room indicate different devices.

-         A constant drop-down menu on each floor plan page – lists other floors, to switch to another floor without going back.


User View

-         First page to load is a description of user privileges.

-         User password could be their name, so that faculty will remember it.

-         Access to info in the system could be limited to their facilities and those of their department.


For Next Week

-         The clients request a list of questions that members of the faculty may have, what they may want to do with this our product, etc.