Present: Devin Hurley, Zach Witter, Dr. Lederman 4:00 - 4:30 PM - keep oldGMCtrucks logo out at all times on site. - need to create a checklist of things people will store in their information in a shout-out. - hand draw a mockup of our panels so Dr. Lederman can "click" on a button on a panel and see how it will bring him to a different screen. - information that should be available to users to input, but possibly not display includes - addresss - two phone options (cell and other/home (?)) - email address - Blurb - List of trucks person owns - View pictures (max of 5) - button asking whether to display this information in shout-out. - I have some drawings of what Dr. Lederman might be interested in. - find out what google has to offer in terms of an API for acquiring directions. - Search member list options. - Draw up screens of what an admin's panel will look like. - Once we have some decent designs readily available, Dr. Lederman would like to bring in members of the forum to look at the product and provide additional input to the development of the product.