Bad Robot Enterprises

January 31, 2008

Client Meeting Summary

By: Vito Urbano

Clients in attendance: Dr. Darren Lim and Dr. Manimoy Paul

Members in attendance: Ryan Rose and Vito Urbano

In today’s client meeting, the following issues were discussed:

- Summary of where we left off

- Introduction of new positions

- Any ideas that need to be changed

- What to expect by next meeting

We began the meeting by presenting Dr. Lim and Dr. Paul a copy of our last client meeting notes. This was to refresh the clients on where we currently stand and what we hope to accomplish.

Ryan Rose then explained how he has become the new team leader and then outlined the new positions of the rest of the team members. Vito Urbano will be working on perfecting the test plan and we came to an understanding that the test plan is a working document that has many changes over time. We explained that Paul Borchers will be discussing Oraserv with ken Swarner in order to setup up our database and that he will be receiving help from Ryan May.

No changes were made to the IOS plan, however Dr. Paul declared an interest into making the IOS project a commercial one when finished. We explained that in this class we go no further than creating a working product, but may have interest in the idea in the future.

As a request, Dr. Lim has asked to have fully functional prototypes of a few of the drawings we presented last semester. We agreed to have these prototypes finished by the next client meeting on February 7 so that the clients can actually get a feel for the project and make changes when necessary. Dr. Lim also requested to see a basic diagram of how the database will be organized, this is to make sure that everyone is on the right page and that we are not leaving any important data out.

Our final topic of discussion was the possibility of having an actual user during the acceptance test presentation. We agreed that it would be great to have a user outside of our team actually run the software in order to show the functionality and user friendliness. This idea will be discussed further with Dr. Lederman.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 7 at 4pm.